Tuesday, August 12, 2008

no more waiting (Matt. 15:21-28)

she had heard
of those promises made
under starry, sable skies:
blessings flowing
through the lines
of desert wanderers,
which would bring life
to every one
of God's children;

she had heard
of this wandering band
of foolish followers
led by the teacher
who reminded his kin
of those long-ago
spoken covenants;

but she was tired of
hearing only words . . .

even if it was only
she wanted to be fed
from grace's table;
even if it was only
a glance,
she wanted Jesus
to see her as
his sister;
even if it was only
a whisper,
she longed for him
to call her daughter
'my niece'.

the waiting was over . . .

Easter's Child had come
to her heart.

(c) 2008 Thom M. Shuman

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