Wednesday, February 19, 2020

canticle 99

no single word describes you,
holiness of our hearts:
you sit on the floor playing jacks,
you walk the sidelines
as we run up and down creation’s pitch,
you could boss us around,
but chose to learn how to crawl
on your hands and knees just like us,
you join in the silly jingles
we make up to give you thanks.

you gave visions to Jeremiah
and spoke to Elijah in a still, small voice.
you taught Miriam how to dance
and sang backup for Hannah and Mary.
you listened to every voice,
every heartbreak, every hope
from those in Eden to this very moment.
on mountaintops and in clouds,
cooking breakfast on a beach
and sleeping in the back of a boat,
you taught us your dreams,
you showed us how to care for others.

you lean over to hear our souls,
you wipe every mistake we make
off the whiteboard of life.
you step between us
and the bullies who would taunt
us until we turn and run.

we sing your praises over and over,
in churches and on playgrounds,
in grocery stores and in classrooms,
in museums and malls, on boats and bicycles,
for everywhere we are, wherever we are,
we are standing on holy ground
holding tight to your hand.

© 2020 Thom M. Shuman

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