Sunday, January 13, 2008


when we dangle
our feet over
the chasm of skepticism,
baptize us
in your spunky spirit:
just a drop;

when we are parched
by our phobias
(petty or prevalant),
quench us
with your brash breath:
just a drop;

when we are withered
by our narrow-mindedness,
refresh us
with your all-embracing ardor:
just a drop;

when we are stained
by vitriol's wildness,
wash us
with your gutsy grace:
just a drop;

a drop here,
a drop there:
a flood of faith
to carry us with you
through the kingdom,
Beloved Brother.

(c) 2008 Thom M. Shuman

1 comment:

barbmom said...

powerful...powerful. when is the book coming out?