Monday, July 15, 2019

canticle 52

you're going to go around
bragging about
how you mistreat the vulnerable,
how you plan havoc for outsiders,
how your words cut others to shreds?
you choose evil over good,
telling fibs over facts,
and angry accusations that
swallow peoples' hopes up whole!

but you're in for some surprises:
God will run your cruelty through a shredder,
will turn your McMansions into shelters,
will pull up your anger and plant hope;
then, the ones you looked past
will see your foolishness, laughing
out loud when you land flat on your foolishness,
as the safety net you paid so much for
is turned into a trampoline;

But for me, I am like that seed
little kids plant in paper cups,
trusting that I will grow,
nourished by the tears of God,
the warmth of God's love,
the fertilizer of God's faithfulness,
and I will stretch my heart to the Light,
rejoicing in the miracle of God
in my life, my heart, my soul,
joining all creation patiently
waiting for the goodness
which is our heritage and hope

(c) 2019 Thom M. Shuman

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